Traditional music
Tài tử and Cải lương – differences and similarities To clarify the similarities and the differences between tài tử and cải lương music, the overview... -
Characteristics of Ca trù music & brief introduction about six musical forms of Ca trù For the Tỳ bà hành, music gives prominence to poetic inspiration but it does not always depend on poem... -
The art of Đờn ca tài tử in the cultural space of the south Each note used in đờn ca tài tử does not have an absolute pitch like the West which bases on... -
Conversation about Đờn ca tài tử At the end of the 60s of the twentieth century, we, the National ensemble, gathered at the evacuation place at... -
International conference paper Bài chòi on Mat In fact, the earnings by announcing in BÀI CHÒI ON MAT is just little like “hunt, catch, pick" the food...
Modern music
Catholic acculturation from the perspective of church music According to the Khâm định Việt sử Thông giám Cương mục (the Imperially Ordered Annotated Text Completely Reflecting the History... -
“ The red leaves” from poetry to the opera At the moment of climax, witnessing the others losing consciousness and she herself is at death’s door... -
Country music in today musical life We can find in our country this music type, which originated from the West and... -
Some modern harmonic methods in Vietnamese symphonies after 1975 The language of harmony in the twentieth century was a response to the development... -
Natural sounds in music As we know, natural elements have been found in classic music masterpieces through many periods...